
1 Pii Tii Nii 1 ปีที่นี่ 1 Year Here

I have been in Chiang Mai for 1 year.
1 year and 1 month exactly.
In total, 1 year and 2 months, as I stopped at the islands first.

I have been here before, to Thailand I mean...
But this time it just took me.
I surrendered to the Thai ways and the charisma of the people from Chiang Mai.
The markets, flavours, colours, people and the peace that permeates Northern life has made me stay.

I have on and off thought of leaving and made moves to go back to the West only to come back here and get more and more ingrained in Thai living.

I have learned some Thai language which is enough to ensure I go by in the markets and get round the city, always receiving a smile for my attempts to try and speak and I even receive compliments for my accent, which apparently my accent is good, when they can understand me at all.

I have made video after video here, trying to show you what I eat, where I visit and how sweet and giving the Thais can be!

I am learning about myself constantly and going through major personal changes and Chiang Mai seems to be the perfect place for me to do it. To BE!

Click here to see the list of all the videos I made in the last year.

I hope you enjoy !

Happy New Year Everyone!!!!
Sabbai Dii Pii Mai Jiao!!!

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